We strive to offer you the freshest, healthiest, and safest meals -- instead of overly-processing and cooking foods at high temperatures for a long period of time (like many jarred and pouched baby food).
We utilize HPP, or High Pressure Pasteurization. HPP uses pressure instead of heat to kill harmful bacteria. We believe this process better preserves the nutrient-density, freshness, flavor, color, and texture of the foods, which are all vital to the growth and development of your little one! And, with HPP, we'll be able to reduce the amount of lemon in the next batches. Win, win, delicious win!
And to avoid preservatives or over-heating, we also added a squeeze of lemon to most meals to achieve the required pH. Because our meals are veggie-first and have much less fruit than most other brands, we opted to use organic lemon to reduce pH instead of applesauce. Rest assured, even with the squeeze of lemon, our meals are less acidic (have a higher pH) than applesauce.